Do you stand with trans people? Join Friends of LTA to be a part of our community!

Please read the membership agreement and then fill out the membership form below to become a member of Friends of LTA. After you sign the membership agreement, you can request to be added to our private Facebook group for trans people and our friends and family across the state of Louisiana.

Membership Agreement:

By signing this membership agreement and joining as a member of Friends Louisiana Trans Advocates, I certify the following:

  1. I am an ally to transgender, nonbinary, or gender nonconforming people who meets one of the below requirements:

    • living in the state of Louisiana

    • living elsewhere but as a former resident of Louisiana who retains close ties to the state or LTA

  2. I will take action against racism and white supremacy, misogyny, classism, cissexism, and heterosexism where it shows up in my own life and in Friends of LTA, whether internalized, interpersonal, or institutional, and I commit to continuing to educate myself on systemic oppression and to taking accountability for any harm I cause. 

  3. I believe in the core human rights of self-determination and expression for all trans, nonbinary and gender nonconforming people and will not disrespect, demean, or discriminate against people on the basis of their gender identity, their decisions related to social or medical transition, or any other characteristic related to a person’s gender expression and self-determination.

  4. I acknowledge and understand that should I take actions in conflict with the above agreement that I forfeit my right to membership in Friends of LTA and the benefits of that membership.